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Member Articles/Article des Membres

CJJU Online Video Library

As part of your annual membership fee, you are provided access to the CJJU Online Video Library.  The library is on the VIMEO platform.  You can create a free account to have access.

Click thumbnail for directions on accessing the library.

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Get Your Self Motivation Back - 5 Tips

As instructors and dojo owners, it is important to be self-motivated and know how to get back to being motivated, when we hit a slump

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Be Coachable

Moving from in front of the class to being in the class was refreshing.  The opportunity to learn new techniques and skills would expand my knowledge base and ultimately benefit my students.  Broadening one’s knowledge can only increase your abilities as an instructor. 

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Drills for Kids - Intensity with Voice

As instructors who teach children it is our responsibility to try and keep classes fresh and interesting.  Therefore we need to find ways of accomplishing this.  Do you have a hard time getting your students to display intensity in their striking?  Here is one way of getting them to show more intensity.

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Retrouver sa Motivation - 5 conseils (Version française)

En tant qu'instructeurs et propriétaires de dojo, il est important d'être motivé et de savoir comment redevenir motivé lorsque nous traversons une crise.

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Project Name

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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Retour a Ceinture Blanche

Passer de devant la classe à être dans la classe était rafraîchissant. L'opportunité d'apprendre de nouvelles techniques et compétences élargirait ma base de connaissances et profiterait finalement à mes étudiants. Élargir ses connaissances ne peut qu'augmenter ses capacités d'instructeur.

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